For Specialized RFID, NFC, Sensor, M2M & Cloud Computing and Networking Recruiting Service
Call RFID Recruiters Toll Free at 800-982-RFID (7343)

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Recruiting Services
Focused on
Including NFC, Sensors, M2M, &
Cloud Computing and Networking

About RFID Recruiters

About RFID Recruiters

About NFC Recruiters

About Sensor Recruiters

About M2M Recruiters

About RF Cloud Recruiters

for Companies

for Venture Capital Firms

for Individuals

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The Best People

for the

Next Big Thing TM


Call us today for a free phone consultation:  800-982-RFID (7343)


RFID Recruiters Provides the Best People
for Companies Engineering, Manufacturing, Marketing, Selling, Implementing, Supporting, and Utilizing RFID and closely related technologies including NFC, sensors, and M2M plus Cloud Computing and Networking. 

RFID Recruiters Represents the Best Companies
for Individuals
with Expertise in Engineering, Manufacturing, Marketing, Selling, Implementing, Supporting, and Utilizing RFID and closely related technologies including NFC, sensors, and M2M plus Cloud Computing and Networking. 

Frequently Asked Question:  "I'm a strong leader in IT and/or I have expertise with the management of workflows in my vertical and industry; I can see that RFID and related technologies including NFC, sensors, and M2M are on the path to Ubiquitous Networking and Pervasive Computing - how will these technologies evolve and how do I make a career move to leverage my leadership and expertise?"

Answer (click here)

RFID Recruiters & Sensor Recruiters

  RFID Recruiters (“RFIDR”) specializes in providing recruiting services for companies and individuals involved with Radio Frequency IDentification technologies, products, applications, and services. 

Increasingly, sensors are becoming highly integrated with RFID solutions. 

RFID Recruiters believes RFID and sensors will form key building blocks for Pervasive Computing.

  Sensor Recruiters is a business unit of RFID Recruiters focused on serving clients and candidates involved with sensor technologies, products, applications, and services.

  Sensors are devices capable of detecting, recording, analyzing, and reporting attributes and events in many (and eventually almost all) physical environments.   Sensors can identify changes in temperature, humidity, motion (including shock and vibration), and various aspects of security such as physical or other tampering. Sensors can be sensitive enough to detect not only temperature, humidity, and motion but also discrete chemical and nuclear particles.  Increasingly, sensors are being integrated with communications devices such as RFID tags which enables sensor data to be reported via popular and standardized IT edge infrastructure.  In this manner sensor data can be communicated via RFID tags, RFID readers, and further upstream through Local Area Networks to web servers and enterprise-class IT applications. 
  Traditionally, sensors have comprised a large array of devices that have converted information from the physical realm into simple analog electrical outputs.  Newer more advanced technologies including ME
MS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and other forms of sensors are now converting information from the physical realm into digital output signals making the output of sensors IT-ready.  Sensor Recruiters is focused on sensor technology that is IT-ready, and especially on sensors that are designed with wireless (RF) communications in mind.  Sensor Recruiters believes that sensors are the natural front end and RFID tags are the natural back end of a highly complimentary edge architecture that will dramatically extend the reach of Information Technology.  Together sensors and RFID tags will become the two most important edge building blocks of nothing less than Pervasive Computing.  For more information regarding how RFID and sensors will merge to extend and dramatically transform the reach of Information Technology thereby establishing the platform for Pervasive Computing click here:

  Initially, RFID tags are often considered as an enhanced alternative to UPC bar-codes, having a number of important advantages over the older bar-code technology.  Significantly, RFID codes are long enough that every RFID tag may have a unique code, while UPC codes are generally limited to a single code for all instances of a particular product. The uniqueness of RFID tags means that a product may be individually tracked as it moves from location to location, finally ending up in the consumer's hands.  Additionally, many workflows beyond enhanced bar code applications are being automated for both passive (non-battery) and active (battery powered) RFID technologies - many of which support sensor and Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) requirements.  RFID applications are being implemented and envisioned in virtually every vertical industry, and across industries.  Most importantly with regard to sensors, RFID provides an increasingly standardized coupling platform for the wireless (RF) transfer of sensor data to near-edge web-based IT infrastructure.

  Coupled with RFID, sensors are becoming an increasingly important function that integrates the physical world with the digital realm of information systems.  The applications for sensors will be nearly endless.
The current, emerging, and potential applications of RFID and sensor technologies are now generating a demand for experienced RFID and sensor professionals who are capable of creating and harnessing innovative value propositions.  Both provider and user organizations are seeking employees with RFID and sensor experience to harness the productivity benefits and competitive advantages made possible by RFID and sensors.  Additionally, many of the best and brightest individuals with IT, supply chain, and related expertise are re-focusing their energies to participate in the high growth anticipated for RFID and sensors.

RFID Recruiters and our NFC Recruiters, Sensor Recruiters, M2M Recruiters, and RF Cloud Recruiters business units are committed to contributing to the development of the RFID, NFC, sensor, M2M, and Cloud industries in a way that makes businesses more productive and people happier

The mission of RFID Recruiters, NFC Recruiters, Sensor Recruiters, M2M Recruiters, and RF Cloud Recruiters is to help the best companies and the best individuals find one another in a manner that brings into being the best RFID, NFC, sensor, M2M, and Cloud technologies, products, applications, and services.

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I don’t have time to read the whole web site - what should I know about RFID Recruiters?

RFID Recruiters is focused on recruiting professionals for RFID and related fields, worldwide.

Specifically, RFID Recruiters finds and recruits employees for companies engineering, manufacturing, marketing, selling, implementing, supporting or using passive and/or active RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) and related technologies, products, applications and services.  RFID Recruiters provides personnel at all levels from senior management to entry levels who have expertise at each stage of the vertical integration and value creation continuum including semiconductors, tags, sensors, smart labels, readers, printers and printer applicators, middleware, application software, system integration, consulting, and full solutions.  Additionally, through our NFC Recruiters, Sensor Recruiters, M2M Recruiters, and RF Cloud Recruiters business units we provide specialized recruiting services for the technology fields we believe are most adjacent to and important to the evolution of RFID.

RFID Recruiters believes that RFID tags are basic building blocks and the volume enabler of Ubiquitous Networking and Pervasive Computing.  We believe that RFID and related edge technologies including NFC, sensors, and M2M plus Cloud Computing and Networking will dramatically extend the reach of Information Technology.

The mission of RFID Recruiters, NFC Recruiters, Sensor Recruiters, M2M Recruiters, and RF Cloud Recruiters is to help the best companies and the best individuals find one another in a manner that brings into being the best RFID, NFC, sensor, M2M, and Cloud technologies, products, applications, and services.  If you are looking for a recruiter (headhunter) because you would like help with finding the best RFID and related expertise, or because you would like to search for a new  job  - our job specializes in helping you find the best expertise and opportunities, worldwide.  Our goal is to be the best recruiting (headhunting) firm, for RFID and related expertise, worldwide. 

Our focus is on finding and recruiting the best candidates for the best opportunities. 

If you are looking for a recruiter, please email or call us today.  We look forward to being of service to you.

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